Opps, the code I posted earlier confused the HTML syntax. Here's the complete code reposted...
for (589840, 117506056, 134225920, 671555840,
534280, 1058576, 654911248, 151718157,
269160461, 168496907, 168627981)
($x, $y, $v, $w) = unpack "c*", pack "l", $_;
$e = $v - $x; $g = $w - $y;
$h = abs $e; $k = abs $g;
$d = $h > $k;
for (0..(($d) ? $h : $k))
$f += $d ? $g/$e : $e/$g;
$f1 = $f;
int $f && do
$y += $d ? ($g > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
$x += $d ? 0 : ($e > 0 ? 1 : -1);
$f += $f > 0 ? -1 : 1
$c[$y] ||= ' ' x 60;
substr($c[$y],$x+1,1) = abs $f1 >= 1 ?
$f1 > 0 ? "\\" : "/" : $d ? "-" : "|";
$d ? ($x += $e>0 ? 1 : -1) : ($y += $g>0 ? 1 : -1);
$" = "\n";
The following is the picture data in heximal format,
Each number is x1,y1,x2,y2.
0x00090010, 0x07010008, 0x08002000, 0x28072100,
0x00082708, 0x00102710, 0x27092710, 0x090B090D,
0x100B100D, 0x0A0B0F0B, 0x0A0D0F0D