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Syntactic Confectionery Delight


by bl0rf (Pilgrim)
on Sep 04, 2003 at 00:33 UTC ( [id://288770]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??


I started out as two gametes,
with half the genetic load for each.
Some time has passed and here we meets
and I am writing out this speech.

Perl is an escape for me
from the evil ways of C.

I hate computer culture and IT,
what is it this IT has puzzled me.
Perl allows me to be free,
from the bondages of society.

The cables that tie us down,
the cameras that on us frown,
the systems that control our life's flow,
must all be let to go<pr> - In the sake of creativity.

Be sure to take a look at my site

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