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Re: Re: Help me write a good reg-exp for this text

by waxmop (Beadle)
on Sep 05, 2003 at 17:06 UTC ( [id://289288]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Help me write a good reg-exp for this text
in thread Help me write a good reg-exp for this text

You're right; I was ambiguous. For this line:

Iron and steel products G3311A2 3311,2
The key should be 'G3311A2' and the value should be 'Iron and steel products'. The '3311,2' information is not needed by me.

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Re: Re: Re: Help me write a good reg-exp for this text
by shenme (Priest) on Sep 05, 2003 at 17:32 UTC
    So if the data format really _is_ fixed-width columns then something like dragonchild's code would work, using
    my @column_widths = (57, 17, '*');
    for the widths (check against the real column widths).   Although to remove the leading _and_ trailing spaces from each piece I'd do something like:
    my ($desc, $code, $other_thingy) = unpack $unpack_spec, $_; foreach my $piece ($desc, $code, $other_thingy) { $piece =~ s/^\s+//; $piece =~ s/\s+$//; }
    (I think that's right, hmmm, testing with dragonchild's modified code ....)
    # Change these to the actual column widths. Use a star at the end to g +et the rest. my @column_widths = ( 57, 17, '*'); my $unpack_spec = join ' ', map { "A$_" } @column_widths; my %codes; while (<DATA>) { chomp; my ($desc, $code, $other_thingy) = unpack $unpack_spec, $_; foreach my $piece ($desc, $code, $other_thingy) { $piece =~ s/^\s+//; $piece =~ s/\s+$//; } $codes{$code} = { Description => $desc, Other_Thing => $other_thingy, }; } my $choice = 'GMF'; print "$choice: $codes{$choice}{Description}\n"; $choice = 'G3311A2'; print "$choice: $codes{$choice}{Description}\n"; __DATA__ Total index B50001 Crude processing (capacity) B5610C Primary & semifinished processing (capacity) B562A3C Finished processing (capacity) B5640C Manufacturing ("SIC") B00004 Manufacturing (NAICS) GMF Durable manufacturing (NAICS) GMFD Wood product G321 + 321 Nonmetallic mineral product G327 + 327 Primary metal G331 + 331 Iron and steel products G3311A2 + 3311,2 Fabricated metal product G332 + 332 Machinery G333 + 333 _ _ OUTPUT _ _ GMF: Manufacturing (NAICS) G3311A2: Iron and steel products

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