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Re: Re: Care to explain s/\A\s*//?

by bart (Canon)
on Sep 05, 2003 at 17:46 UTC ( [id://289303]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Care to explain s/\A\s*//?
in thread Help me write a good reg-exp for this text

I don't understand why you want to act in such an obscure manner, because without the /m modifier, as here, there is no difference between /^\s*/ and /\A\s*/. So you might just as well use the far more familiar form, with the caret.

The difference between /\Z/, /\z/ and /$/ is far more significant.

Well, I do agree with you on the RTFM part... it's all in there. Looking there should become a more natural response, than asking here.

I'd prefer

anyway, as this wouldn't do an empty substitution if the string doesn't start with whitespace.

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