I think here is the "why," fairly clearly written in the first two paragraphs of the message ... thanks to Bear Woodson of the "Horn" group from yahoo groups.
>Yes, the Note "H" evolved out of the Medieval
>German Note of "H" or rather a "Hard B", or now
>called "B Natural". Our Modern "Flat" Sign evolved
>out of a "Soft B" or "Bb". In Modern German, "B"
>equals the note "Bb", and "H" means "B-Natural".
>From this evolved the Musical Motive "B, A, C,
>H", or rather "B-Flat, A, C, B-Natural", which even
>Johann Sebastian Bach used in a keyboard fugue,
>that he never finished.
Here is the link:
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Wow... I have some experience in music, but I had never heard that. | [reply] |