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by reptile (Monk)
on Feb 05, 2000 at 16:28 UTC ( [id://2905]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Maybe I should put something here. I'm an ex-student in syracuse, NY who will soon be moving to socal if I have my way and getting a really nice job programming in perl and saving enough money to move to new york city. Strange plan, you say? It's not; my gf lives in socal and that's our plan, not mine. I've probably gone into more detail than you care to know, but that's your problem, not mine. I'll keep my known health and mental problems to myself to spare you from that misery. Aren't I a nice guy? That's what they say. If only they knew.... who's 'they' anyway?

Email me, if you want.

local $_ = "0A72656B636148206C72655020726568746F6E41207473754A"; while(s/..$//) { print chr(hex($&)) }

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