When you create the window, assign it to a variable, then call the hide() or destroy() method on the window. Use hide if you will be reusing the window.
Here is some sample code which brings up a window with 3 buttons. The first brings up an (imaginary) error in a new window, the second closes the app, and the third closes the other window ( the one with the error ). There is also a button on the error window to close itself.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Gtk;
use strict;
my $dialog;
my $label;
my @errors;
sub error{
if ($dialog){
$label->set_text( "ERROR " . $errors[rand @errors] )
$dialog = new Gtk::Window() ;
my $bbox = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::VBox", visible => 1, parent
+ => $dialog;
my $button = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Button", label => "Close",
+parent => $bbox, visible => 1;
$label = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Label", label => $errors[rand
+@errors], parent => $bbox, visible => 1 ;
$button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub{ $dialog->hide });
$dialog -> show;
sub my_quit {
sub remote_quit{ $dialog -> hide } # or $dialog -> destroy; # if you w
+ill not be opening it again
init Gtk;
my $window = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Window",
type => -toplevel,
title => "Error box",
allow_grow => 0,
allow_shrink => 0,
border_width => 10,
visible => 1;
$window->signal_connect("destroy" => \&Gtk::main_quit);
$window->signal_connect("delete_event" => \&Gtk::false);
my $box1 = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::VBox",
homogeneous => 0,
spacing => 5,
parent => $window,
visible => 1;
my $bbox= new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::HButtonBox", spacing => 5, parent => $
+box1, visible => 1;
my $fixed = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Fixed", visible => 1;
$label = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Label", label => "Waiting on user input
+", parent => $box1, visible => 1 ;
new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::HSeparator",
parent => $box1,
visible => 1;
my $err_btn = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Button",
label => "Click me",
clicked => "error",
visible => 1,
parent => $bbox;
my $quit = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Button",
label => "Quit",
clicked => "my_quit",
visible => 1,
parent => $bbox;
my $rquit = new Gtk::Widget "Gtk::Button",
label => "Close the other window",
clicked => "remote_quit",
visible => 1,
parent => $bbox;
main Gtk;
"Remote message: I don't like you. Go 'way.",
"oh no, there is a 0 in the matrix!",
"Error in matrix: Agent Smith Activated",
"D'oh you've deleted the data set",
"Matrix Error: You might want to take a pill",
"so...lemme guess, you just clicked yes?",
"no ks7 data left after removeal of zero channels",
"Almost converged, you can probably stop now",
"write(0,*) 'Game Over'",
"I just Cannea do it Cap'n I just dinnea hea the powe
"Warning: Can't get handle for AAAGH NO SWITCH IT OFF
+!!! SWITCH IT OFFF!!!",
"print *,'2.7182818'",
+ );