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Re: Playing MP3 file?

by benn (Vicar)
on Oct 01, 2003 at 12:16 UTC ( [id://295584]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Playing MP3 file?

Corion's advice is sound (pun unintentional :)), but if you wanted to try the 'full' approach, you could have a look at a combination of LAME and Audio::MPEG. There are LAME binaries for Windows available, and Audio::MPEG's author seems fairly confident that it *should* work, although he hasn't tested on anything 'cept Linux.

Included in the Audio::MPEG docs is an MP3->WAV routine which may come in handy.

Cheers, Ben.

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Re: Re: Playing MP3 file?
by Arbogast (Monk) on Oct 01, 2003 at 14:50 UTC
    2 methods I use to play an MP3 in my program on Windows XP with Perl.

    a> I don't have the code handy, but you can launch Windows Media Player with a playlist as a Win32 process. I never learned how to make a WMP playlist from Perl, :(.

    b> The way I do it now in my Perl programs is to embed the MP3 in a SWF file in a local html file and play it through the Internet Explorer. (Then you can make a pretty album cover to display while the music plays.) Just launch the Internet Explorer with html file as argument with win32 process.

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