sub r{int rand pop}$|++;@g=map{[map{' '}0..$=]}0..25;my$j=pop||2+r(3);
r($j) while($k==$n or!$f[$k]);my$o=$f[$k];$h+=($e?-1:1);if($h<1){$e=0;
0;if($e>1){$q||=4}if($e and(r(7)>3)){$v=r(6)}}my$t=($$o{z}->()cmp$z)+1
+;$t=0 if($
x==$$o{x}->());my$s=(($x<$$o{x}->())?1:0);for(0,2){$l[$_+$s]+=($t cmp$
for(0,2){$l[$_+($s?0:1)]=0}if($z){$v-=2}$x+=$q;$z+=$v;$z=0 if$z<0;if($
$q*=-1 if $q<0}if($x>$=-2){$x=$=-2;$q*=-1 if $q>0}if ((abs($x-($$o{x}-
1+abs($z+1-($$o{z}->())))<9){r(2)?($$o{c}->($n) or $e=1):${$f[$n]}{c}-
{$$_{n}->($h++)}}}}}1..$j;while(1){++$iter;if(@f==1){exit 0}for$m(@f){
;$$m{d}->()}print$/x$=;for $a(1..25){print$/,"|",@{$g[$a]},"|";@{$g[$a
+]}=map{' '
}0..$=;}sleep 1}#Optional command-line argument selects how many ninja
+ stickmen.
My joke generator got a complaint about
getting lost in all the map transforms,
so in an effort to make my code easier to follow (ahem)
I have limited myself to only four occurrances of
map in this little project,
instead using the trinary operator, a lot
of conditionals and comparisons, and far too many
variables for such a short program. Enjoy :-)
Oh, you can take out the sleep 1 for
hyper speed, if desired, which is useful if you
want to use the command-line argument to specify
large numbers of fighters. 500 ninjas take too
long to duke it out with the sleep statement in.
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$ ;->();print$/