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Re: perl form

by benn (Vicar)
on Oct 10, 2003 at 12:41 UTC ( [id://298227]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to perl form

I think you'd be better reorganising this. doesn't need to exist at all - this could simply be a static HTML form, as all it does is pass parameters, with no dynamic generation necessary. Then you could simply add the code in "" into "" (as a GetPartNumber subroutine or something similar), return the value and write out to the db in one fell swoop.

As stated above though, would be of *great* help to you here, especially in the parsing of the parameters.

Cheers, Ben.

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Re: Re: perl form
by britney (Acolyte) on Oct 13, 2003 at 16:26 UTC
    Hi Benn, Yes , I tried to use form in html first, but I was stuck when it call for Would you mind to show me to to write this and have sub GetpartNumber I tried and get no luck. Thanks

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