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RE: Perl Golf - A proposal for a new section of

by Adam (Vicar)
on Aug 30, 2000 at 03:12 UTC ( [id://30237]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Golf - A proposal for a new section of

Please, don't get me wrong. I like perl golf and can be accused of playing occasionally. In fact, I enjoyed your post and the information it contained (I voted it ++). But I don't think that we need a new section for golf tournaments. I think they way we've been doing it has been great. Most golf games boil down to obfuscation, so there is no reason that golf shouldn't be allowed in that section. Additionally, spontaneous games errupt after someone posts, "How do I make this script better". Usually someone posts a good answer and then people set to a casual game of character hunting. The real problem with making a separate section is that games don't usually start with someone saying, "Shrink this". They start on a whim. Then someone would have to decide what posts (or responses to posts) are really golf and move them. (I am against frequent node moves because it makes it harder for me to find old posts.) You see? A great idea, but not worth the price.
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