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Return of J'oe the Perl Demon

by wombat (Curate)
on Aug 30, 2000 at 22:21 UTC ( [id://30367]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Grace to you and peace, fellow monks.

Guess what?! You remember J'oe, the one who disliked Perl. I mentioned him a few days ago. Ole J'oe, my erstwhile boss, and around whom the discussion of Perl-prosletyzing vs. Linux-prosletyzing began. Guess what! I got a message from the big boss today. He wants to meet with J'oe and I at 1400 PST today, to discuss the possibility of Perl use and the Linux box I wanted. Pray for me, or code for me, whatever Perl Monks do to help one of their own along. I'll post the results of the meeting after it occurs!

UPDATE:Well, it looks like J'oe turned up sick today and so didn't make the meeting. Speaking alone with the big boss, it looks like I'll be doing basically what was said in the PM comments. Abandoning Linux (only in this context!) in favor of the NT systems. I shall install Perl quickly on it! and I shall continue to code in the blessed of languages! J'oe will come to love Perl, this I say to you this day!

UPDATE2:The meeting has been rescheduled for 1300 today. but I have GOOD news. It looks at though the main server is running Webten with Perl 5.004 support. I may not have to use MacPerl or Win32Perl afterall! I'm happy!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: Return of J'oe the Perl Demon
by moo (Acolyte) on Aug 31, 2000 at 16:32 UTC
    Sorry to hear that your company is downgrading its OS to something
    with less than spectacular performance.  You might want to 
    log the problems ( with times ) that NT has with some sort
    of monitoring script.  Nothing like providing paperwork to
    managers that shows exactly what the problems were and how
    long they took to resolve.  You could also do a cost analysis
    on the data...afterall, downtime is money!
    At least you get to use Perl...the O'Reilly book entitled
    Perl for System Administration should be able to help with
RE: Return of J'oe the Perl Demon
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 31, 2000 at 19:12 UTC
    I just installed Cygwin on NT and guess what? Windows looks a lot better now next to my Linux laptop! You can install a raft of GNU utilities and get your own shell to use unix commands, g++, ..! Working on finding a scroll bar soon. So point your feet toward and begin the journey! I do not know if cpan works yet there maybe someone else knows. Matt, monking in Tokyo

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