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Re: Sainthood via Seniority Simulation

by sauoq (Abbot)
on Nov 05, 2003 at 10:56 UTC ( [id://304674]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Sainthood via Seniority Simulation

Here it is rewritten for clarity and to fix the bug pg reported. Also, it now supports level vroom and doesn't require a non-standard prerequisite.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $USAGE =<<END_USAGE; $0 your_xp [ vrooms_xp ] END_USAGE sub XP () { 0 } sub VOTES () { 1 } sub DESC () { 2 } my @LEVEL = ( [ 0, 0, 'an initiate' ], [ 20, 5, 'a novice' ], [ 50, 8, 'an acolyte' ], [ 100, 12, 'a scribe' ], [ 200, 16, 'a monk' ], [ 500, 20, 'a friar' ], [ 1000, 25, 'an abbot' ], [ 1600, 30, 'a bishop' ], [ 2300, 35, 'a pontiff' ], [ 3000, 40, 'a saint' ], ); die $USAGE unless @ARGV >= 1 and @ARGV <= 2; my $xp = shift; my $level = 0; push @LEVEL, [ pop, 42, 'the one and only vroom' ] if @ARGV; my $day = 0; do { $day++; # Anyone remember One Day at a Time? # What level are we today? while ($LEVEL[ $level + 1 ] and $xp >= $LEVEL[ $level + 1 ]->[ XP +]) { $level++; printf "Day %5d You are %s.\n", $day, $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ DESC + ]; } # %25 chance of 2xp for showing up. int rand( 4 ) or $xp += 2; # %25 chance of 1xp for every vote. int rand( 4 ) or $xp++ for 1 .. $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ VOTES ]; # 1/6 * votes * 1xp for pre-friars. $xp += int ( $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ VOTES ] / 6 ) if $level < 4; } until ( $level == $#LEVEL );
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