Here it is rewritten for clarity and to fix the bug pg reported. Also, it now supports level vroom and doesn't require a non-standard prerequisite.
use warnings;
use strict;
$0 your_xp [ vrooms_xp ]
sub XP () { 0 }
sub VOTES () { 1 }
sub DESC () { 2 }
my @LEVEL = ( [ 0, 0, 'an initiate' ],
[ 20, 5, 'a novice' ],
[ 50, 8, 'an acolyte' ],
[ 100, 12, 'a scribe' ],
[ 200, 16, 'a monk' ],
[ 500, 20, 'a friar' ],
[ 1000, 25, 'an abbot' ],
[ 1600, 30, 'a bishop' ],
[ 2300, 35, 'a pontiff' ],
[ 3000, 40, 'a saint' ],
die $USAGE unless @ARGV >= 1 and @ARGV <= 2;
my $xp = shift;
my $level = 0;
push @LEVEL, [ pop, 42, 'the one and only vroom' ] if @ARGV;
my $day = 0;
do {
$day++; # Anyone remember One Day at a Time?
# What level are we today?
while ($LEVEL[ $level + 1 ] and $xp >= $LEVEL[ $level + 1 ]->[ XP
+]) {
printf "Day %5d You are %s.\n", $day, $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ DESC
+ ];
# %25 chance of 2xp for showing up.
int rand( 4 ) or $xp += 2;
# %25 chance of 1xp for every vote.
int rand( 4 ) or $xp++ for 1 .. $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ VOTES ];
# 1/6 * votes * 1xp for pre-friars.
$xp += int ( $LEVEL[ $level ]->[ VOTES ] / 6 ) if $level < 4;
} until ( $level == $#LEVEL );
"My two cents aren't worth a dime.";