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Re: Re: Re: Sainthood via Seniority Simulation

by ysth (Canon)
on Nov 05, 2003 at 19:18 UTC ( [id://304832]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Sainthood via Seniority Simulation
in thread Sainthood via Seniority Simulation

People didn't seem to like my asking for further explanation :(. I still don't see the bug, though I see my loop is written in a rather confusing way :(. I'm trying to compare what I have with sauoq's version. The first difference I see is whether the day number is printed just before or just after incrementing, which is really a cosmetic issue. We also differ on if the "used all votes" bonus applies to monks; Voting/Experience System could be read either way. (update: monks(5) don't seem to get the bonus--updating my version now)

my version:

increment level if appropriate increment day add per-vote xp add login xp add all-votes-used xp repeat
sauoq's version:
increment day increment level if appropriate add login xp add per-vote xp add all-votes-used xp repeat

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