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Re: Still wont work :(

by rchiav (Deacon)
on Nov 06, 2003 at 22:31 UTC ( [id://305174]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Still wont work :(
in thread Win32::Lanman::NetUserEnum ... FLAGS

Are you sure that the account is disabled?

From the sounds of it you might not know what I meant by "and"ing. In case you're a little confused about that, here's how it works.

That number you see isn't used as a decimal number as you typed it. It's actually used as a binary number. Each binary digit is used as either ON(1) or OFF(0). Now each of those binary places can also be represented as a decimal number.


So... all of these numbers are represented as the UF_ constants. When you AND, you're checking if the bit represented in the UF_ variable is on.

If, for the account you're checking, the account is disabled, I'm guessing you have a problem someplace else.

Your other option is to use WMI. You can invoke it using Win32::OLE . Google for Win32_UserAccount and you should find some good information.

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Re: Re: Still wont work :(
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 07, 2003 at 00:27 UTC
    I should have elaborated a bit more. I did try running the code against both enabled and disabled with same result. Different flags value tho.

    I knew what you meant by 'Anding' the bits. Same as figuring out a subnet... I even thought about converting the number to binary and figuring out the switch values with a pencil. :)

    Now for the very embarrasing truth of the matter...

    use Win32::Lanman != use Win32::lanman

    Change that detail and it all works like a charm.

    Apreciate the help and thanks to BrowserUK as well!!


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