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XML::PYXby mirod (Canon) |
on Sep 01, 2000 at 14:07 UTC ( [id://30698]=modulereview: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Item Description: A line-oriended interface to XML Review Synopsis: The module's main usage is through the pyx, pyxv, pyxw and pyxhtml tools
DescriptionXML::PYX, based on XML::Parser is the Perl implementation. It comes with 3 tools: pyx (non-validating) and pyxv (validating) output the Pyx version of the document and pyxw writes an XML version of a Pyx flow. See - Pyxie for a description of Pyxie Why use PYX?
Why NOT use XML::PYX
Related ModuleXML::TiePYX is easier to use on a Windows system Personal notesPyx is really cool to extract information from an XML file, or to perform simple transformations on simple XML files. The module is mature (it is quite simple so there shouldn't be too many bugs in it). I never actually use the module, only pyx, which I pipe to a perl -n or perl -p script. ExamplesPrint all the elements used in an XML document, with the number of occurences. pyx file.xml | perl -n -e '$nb{$1}++ if( m/\A\((.*)\n/); \ END { map { print "$_ used $nb{$_} time(s)\n";} sort keys %nb;}' Warn in case of duplicate ID: pyx file.xml | perl -n -e '($id)=( m/^Aid (.*)\n/) or next; print "duplicate id: $id\n" if($id{$id}); $id{$id}=1;' Change a tag name (class to color): pyx wine.xml | perl -p -e 's/^([()])class/$1color/' | pyxw