Greetings, Perl Monks.
I have a perl script that connects to an SQL database and adds a new row to it:
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$driver:$database:$server:$port",$db_user,$db
die "DBI error from connect:", $DBI::errstr unless $dbh;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($command);
die "DBI error with prepare:", $sth->errstr unless $sth;
$command = "insert into cardbase (id, picture) values ('".$id."', '".$
$result = $sth->execute;
die "DBI error with execute:", $sth->errstr unless $result;
For this script to work smoothly, I need this particular operation to succeed all the time. However, on some occassions, I run the script, get the &success page but nothing's been added to the sql table. I wonder if there's a way in Perl to find out if an insertion of data was successful, such that (hypothetically):
if ($insert_ok) {
&success;} else
Thank you for your time and help:-)
Note of THANKS:
Thanks Taulmarill, ehdonhon and jeffa for your help! I looked into your suggestions and they really helped me solve my problem.