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RE: Buzzcutbuddha (You had to start a holy war?) - Re: FrontPage 2000 and wave files

by le (Friar)
on Sep 01, 2000 at 21:08 UTC ( [id://30757]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Buzzcutbuddha (You had to start a holy war?) - Re: FrontPage 2000 and wave files
in thread FrontPage 2000 and wave files

"Dad, why do we hide from the police?"
"Because they use Emacs, son, and we use vi."

Repeat after me: "Unix is a four letter word, and vi is its two-letter abbrevation."
  • Comment on RE: Buzzcutbuddha (You had to start a holy war?) - Re: FrontPage 2000 and wave files

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