That won't work. The redirect header is just that - a redirect with no content.
Assuming that the PayPal form accepts QS info, you could get it to work like this:
# build attr hash - expand below...
my %attr = ( _cmd => '_xclick',
business => $email,
item_name => $comment);
# create query string name/value pairs
my @qsvars=();
for (keys %attr) {
# escape values
$attr{$_} = $cgi->escape( $attr{$_} ) ;
# add to qs vars
push @qsvars, "$_=$attr{$_}";
# create query string
my $qs = join '&', @qsvars;
# send redirect
print $cgi->redirect("$qs");
Or something like that. I've broken down the steps above to make it easier to read, but you could also combine the qs creation into one statement using join and map if you wish.
cLive ;-)