jeffa has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hmmm, this is tricky so here goes . . .
I have a friend that is working for this company that makes web pages - right now, this company is using a concocted version of embedded perl by using eval in their web engine: perl code is used on the HTML pages (contained in delimiters) - the code is extracted from the page and 'eval'ed.

Personally, I think this is a BAD thing. I would like to suggest some changes for my friend and his/her company, maybe HTML::Mason or HTML::EmbPerl . . .

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I have not used either (but plan to real soon).

The hardest part will be to convince this company to give up their evil ways and see the light.
(insert holy-sounding chord here)
