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(Ovid) RE(2): mason and embperl

by Ovid (Cardinal)
on Sep 03, 2000 at 02:20 UTC ( [id://30897]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: mason and embperl
in thread mason and embperl

JanneVee: considering your eloquent defense of COBOL in Perl: Survival of the Fittest, I surprised you didn't recommend COBOLScript.



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(JanneVee) RE(3): mason and embperl
by JanneVee (Friar) on Sep 03, 2000 at 04:13 UTC
    I surprised you didn't recommend COBOLScript.

    My eloquent defense was based on the principle of what certain things are made for. COBOL -> heavy business processing. Perl -> process large amounts of information.

    This means that for HTML templating I think that Perl is better suited than COBOL for the particular task.

    Actually I don't like COBOL either, I just believe it has a place like FORTRAN.


      Both Fortran and COBOL have a place - generating disasters for saner languages to clean up. :-)

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