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Re: remove single blank lines?

by ysth (Canon)
on Dec 09, 2003 at 02:13 UTC ( [id://313349]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to remove single blank lines?

For fun, I decided not to try to answer the question, but to test the existing answers. Some had problems with what I consider reasonable definitions of blank lines at the beginning and ending; if your definition was different, you may see a failure reported for what you consider a success. (If answers were updated recently, I won't have the updated version, and I may have made transcription errors in putting the code in my testbed. Apologies for any errors.)

Update: /msg me if you want your code updated; BrowserUk, sorry about the "line1\nline2" test, which completely defeats the -l switch; regard it as a case of GIGO rather than a failure if you want.

Here is the test program:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use 5.008; my $try; our ($in, $out); use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; our %tests = ( "line1\nline2\n" => "line1\nline2\n", "\nline1\nline2\n" => "line1\nline2\n", "line1\nline2\n\n" => "line1\nline2\n", "\n\nline1\nline2\n" => "\n\nline1\nline2\n", "line1\nline2\n\n\n" => "line1\nline2\n\n\n", "line1\n\nline2\n" => "line1\nline2\n", "line1\n\n\nline2\n" => "line1\n\n\nline2\n", "line1\nline2" => "line1\nline2", ); our @subs = qw/coruscate long_qq Roy_Johnson BrowserUk asarih/; for my $sub (@subs) { print "\n# testing $sub\n"; while (my ($instr, $expected) = each %tests) { my $got=''; open $in, "<", \$instr or die "huh? couldn't open \$in: $!"; open $out, ">", \$got or die "huh? couldn't open \$out: $!"; select $out; main::->$sub; # look ma, no no strict 'refs' select STDOUT; close $out; close $in; if ($got ne $expected) { printf "not ok - %s# expected %s# got %s", map Dumper($_), $instr, $expected, $got; } else { print "ok - ", Dumper($instr); } } } sub coruscate { my $string = do { local $/; <$in> }; $string =~ s#\n(\n+)#"\n" x (length($1)>1 ? length($1)+1 : length($ +1))#eg; print $string; } sub long_qq { # long version my $t = do { local $/; <$in> }; $t =~ s/(?<!\n)\n{2}(?!=\n)/\n/g; print $t; } sub asarih { my ($this, $next, $last); while (<$in>) { $last = $this; $this = $next; $next = $_; print $this unless ($last ne "\n") && ($this eq "\n") && ($next +ne "\n"); } print $next unless ($next eq "\n") && ($this ne "\n"); #last line i +s special } sub Roy_Johnson { my $blank_lines = 0; while (<$in>) { if ($_ eq "\n") { ++$blank_lines } else { print "\n" x $blank_lines if $blank_lines != 1; print; $blank_lines = 0; } } } sub BrowserUk { # translated via Deparse my $x; local $/ = "\n"; local $\ = "\n"; LINE: while (defined($_ = <$in>)) { chomp $_; ++$x and next unless length $_; printf $/ x $x unless $x == 1; $x = 0; print $_; } }
and here is the output:
# testing coruscate ok - "line1\n\nline2\n" not ok - "\n\nline1\nline2\n" # expected "\n\nline1\nline2\n" # got "\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\n\n\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2" not ok - "\nline1\nline2\n" # expected "line1\nline2\n" # got "\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # testing long_qq ok - "line1\n\nline2\n" not ok - "\n\nline1\nline2\n" # expected "\n\nline1\nline2\n" # got "\nline1\nline2\n" not ok - "line1\n\n\nline2\n" # expected "line1\n\n\nline2\n" # got "line1\n\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2" not ok - "\nline1\nline2\n" # expected "line1\nline2\n" # got "\nline1\nline2\n" not ok - "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # expected "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # got "line1\nline2\n\n" # testing Roy_Johnson ok - "line1\n\nline2\n" ok - "\n\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\n\n\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2" ok - "\nline1\nline2\n" not ok - "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # expected "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # got "line1\nline2\n" # testing BrowserUk ok - "line1\n\nline2\n" ok - "\n\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\n\n\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n" not ok - "line1\nline2" # expected "line1\nline2" # got "line1\nline2\n" ok - "\nline1\nline2\n" not ok - "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # expected "line1\nline2\n\n\n" # got "line1\nline2\n" # testing asarih ok - "line1\n\nline2\n" ok - "\n\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\n\n\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2" ok - "\nline1\nline2\n" ok - "line1\nline2\n\n\n"
Some of the tests issued warnings (which I have omitted); I mean to fix the test program to check for those and report them if I have time.

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