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SQL Crosstab, a hell of a DBI idiom

by gmax (Abbot)
on Dec 11, 2003 at 00:34 UTC ( [id://313934]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
           . "GROUP BY country, loc\n";
    print $query;
  2. or download this
    my $depts = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq{SELECT DISTINCT dept FROM dept
        or die "can't get dept values\n";
        or die "can't get gender values\n";
    my @values = ( $depts, $categories, $genders );
  3. or download this
    $query = qq{
    SELECT country, loc
        INNER JOIN countries ON(locs.country_id=countries.country_id)
    GROUP BY country, loc
  4. or download this
     @permuted = (
       ['pers',  'consultant', 'm'],
       ['sales', 'employee'],
  5. or download this
    $header_formats = [
        { name => 'total',      colspan => 1, rowspan => 1 }
  6. or download this
    # $level =0; $value = 'N';
    print '<td rowspan= "',
        shift @{$recs_formats->{$level}->{$value}},
        '">', $value,'</td>';
  7. or download this
    $recs_formats = {
        0 => {
            'zzzz'      => [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
  8. or download this
    -- xtab              { colspan => 22 }
           +- zzzz       { rowspan =>  1 }
               +- zzzz   { rowspan =>  1 }

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