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Re: Re: Re: regarding session in CGI

by hanenkamp (Pilgrim)
on Dec 17, 2003 at 16:11 UTC ( [id://315296]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: regarding session in CGI
in thread regarding session in CGI

Actually, mod_perl is just a platform within which you run your code. See for details on mod_perl. Essentially, your CGI scripts can be used as is to run inside a special mod_perl handler process. Or you can rewrite your scripts to use mod_perl's handler API directly.

Thus, you can probably use your code as is within mod_perl (though, you'll still need some modification to cache your telnet connection) or you can rewrite it to use the mod_perl framework directly, if you prefer.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: regarding session in CGI
by mnsbb (Initiate) on Dec 22, 2003 at 04:47 UTC
    Hi hanenkemp and barrd, I got it working and now the response time is 2 seconds. Thanks a lot.
      hi, I got it working, and now the response is 2 secs. Thanks a lot. mnsbb

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