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Connecting DBD::Oracle without using TCP/IPby fx (Pilgrim) |
on Dec 23, 2003 at 17:52 UTC ( [id://316665]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
fx has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: The DBD::Oracle documentation states that if your database resides on the same machine as your Perl code, then you can use a local IPC connector rather than TCP. My initial thought to this is that local IPC should be quicker. The DBD::Oracle docs, however, do not cover Oracle 9i which is what I am using. The connection methods stated in the DBD::Oracle docs produce the error
The DBD::Oracle docs suggest running $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adapters to make sure that the IPC adaptor is installed - mine is:
I did find a reference to a problem of this sort on Usenet but the article doesn't provide much help.
Can someone please suggest how I could connect to Oracle 9i with DBD::Oracle using something other than TCP/IP? If anyone has done this before, does a non-TCP/IP connection improve performance?
As you will be able to tell from my recent posts, I am having quite a lot of difficulty getting Oracle 9i to play nicely with Perl under my circumstances :)
Many thanks,
==fx, Infinity Is Colourless
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