# filemod -- recursively scans the current or specified directory
# and returns files in a specified date/time range
use File::Find;
use Time::Local;
use Cwd;
sub checkDate
if ( my $date_to_check = shift )
if ( $date_to_check =~ m/^(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d{2,4})\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\
+d+)$/ )
my $date = {
month => $1 - 1, # Time::Local month starts with
+ zero
day => $2,
year => $3,
hour => $4,
minute => $5,
second => $6
return $date;
if ( my $date_after = checkDate( $ARGV[0] ) and
my $date_before = checkDate( $ARGV[1] ) )
my $after_epoch = timelocal( $$date_after{"second"},
$$date_after{"year"} );
my $before_epoch = timelocal( $$date_before{"second"},
$$date_before{"year"} );
find( \&isModifiedBetween, $ARGV[2] || getcwd );
sub isModifiedBetween
if (! -d $File::Find::name && -e)
my $file_epoch = (stat $File::Find::name)[9];
if ($file_epoch > $after_epoch and $file_epoch < $before_epoch )
my $file_time = localtime ($file_epoch);
print $file_time."\t".$File::Find::name."\n";
print "invalid token(s): [$ARGV[0]] / [$ARGV[1]]\n";
print "usage: filemod [start date/time] [end date/time] ([directory]
print "date/time format: \"MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS\" or \"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM