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web-app design questionby waxmop (Beadle) |
on Jan 08, 2004 at 15:36 UTC ( [id://319829]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
waxmop has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I'm writing a database-backend web application for my office to allow users to list, view details, and edit a bunch clients data.
Normally, I would write some CGI / perl-mason scripts like this: view_contact.cgi?id=34&showdata=all or: list_matching_contacts.cgi?matchfield=state&matchvalue=OH Those programs would open the database, query, and the return the results formatted as html. Simple stuff. Since I expect that users will be viewing data (read-only) much more often than editing data, I am considering instead writing a build_html() script that will go through the list of every contact in the database and write a few different static .html files for that contact. I will call this script after anyone uses any of the edit.cgi scripts. The advantage is that I will avoid lots and lots of redundant database calls. The disadvantage is that I will have a directory with about 5 - 10 thousand html files. According to df -i, the partition I'll be working on has about 3 million inodes available, so I don't think I'll be doing much damage there, but I wanted to get the wisdom of the monks before I begin. Is there a third way? All comments are welcomed.
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