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Re: Re: HTML::Template, CGI:Application and design methodologies

by rchiav (Deacon)
on Feb 11, 2004 at 04:22 UTC ( [id://328143]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: HTML::Template, CGI:Application and design methodologies
in thread HTML::Template, CGI:Application and design methodologies

My concern with having everything in essentially one template (rather one template that includes other templates that include other templates) is that it might overcomplicate the data structure. In the small app I'm currently working on, I create 3 or 4 template objects and print each of their outputs. Each invocation of these templates is presenting data from unrelated queries.

I guess I'm just going to have to try it and see how well it works.

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Re: Re: Re: HTML::Template, CGI:Application and design methodologies
by Trimbach (Curate) on Feb 11, 2004 at 12:55 UTC
    In the small app I'm currently working on, I create 3 or 4 template objects and print each of their outputs. Each invocation of these templates is presenting data from unrelated queries.

    This is just a suggestion on how this might be managed (and simplified) with one template object:

    sub some_mode { my $tmpl_object = $self->load_tmpl('my_tmpl.html'); $tmpl_object->param( param1 => 'foo' param2 => 'bar', param3 => 'baz'); # Poke the data for the top part of the page into the $tmpl_object get_top($tmpl_object); # Ditto for the left side of the page get_left($tmpl_object); # Display the entire templated page return $tmpl_object->output; }

    Of course you can add parameters to get_top() and get_left() to fine tune their output on a mode-by-mode basis, but by passing around one template object at a time things may become much simpler than having your program eat its tail calling one recursive mode within a mode within a mode after another.

    Gary Blackburn
    Trained Killer

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