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The day's catch... 50 of the top 2000 nodes of all time!

(Refreshed every 6 hours, approximately. Inspect the xml feed to see how many minutes until the next refresh.)

Selected Best Nodes of All Time!!

# Node Author Rep
1 Stupid mistakes I repeatedly make brian_d_foy 250
2 pVoice 0.01 Jouke 168
3 The N-queens problem using pure regexes Abigail-II 162
4 Google Earth Monks McDarren 161
5 The Lighter Side of Perl Culture (Part II): JAPH eyepopslikeamosquito 160
6 Perl Idioms Explained - && and || "Short Circuit" operators davido 159
7 Offering Plate with a twist Jaap 152
8 Txet Maglning Glof, Ayobndy? Cody Pendant 151
9 Use method/function signatures with Perl Ovid 144
10 Re: How can I visualize my complex data structure? planetscape 141
11 Choose the most powerful language tilly 136
12 Automate your PerlMonks activities jdporter 134
13 "The right tool for the job." perrin 133
14 Professional Monks bilfurd 133
15 Ogden Nash, 1902-1971 VSarkiss 131
16 Griping about Typing Ovid 131
17 make me smile Len 131
18 It's bad manners to slurp rinceWind 130
19 Net::Ping, the mini series tye 127
20 (OT) Employee Retention - Why do you stay, why do you go? tachyon 126
21 Re: Don't go all PerlMonks on me BrowserUk 123
22 EZDBI is an easier interface to SQL databases Dominus 123
23 Free MSVC tools + Activestate to compile CPAN Modules jZed 121
24 "There are some stunningly novel ideas in Perl" -- Paul Graham grinder 120
25 Implementing Dispatch Tables Roy Johnson 119
26 OO concepts and relational databases dragonchild 118
27 Performance Trap - Opening/Closing Files Inside a Loop Limbic~Region 117
28 Re: How to check if a website is up? nmcfarl 115
29 !Overriding Builtin print Zaxo 114
30 Re: am I paying vroom to continue his dictatorship? footpad 114
31 PLJava - Perl embeded into Java (calling Perl from Java) - 1sr release - call for tests and review, please. gmpassos 113
32 How safe is truncating an MD5 digest string? lemmett 113
33 "Can't happen" bugs gaal 112
34 Re: Perl best practices fanatism merlyn 111
35 Microsoft is against Perl!? tilly 109
36 Re: How should Perlmonks deal with Plagiarism? jcoxen 108
37 Re: perl2exe - no more secrets gmax 108
38 (tye)Re: The Ovidian Transform tye 108
39 If Perl was my first language... kiat 107
40 •Re: REALLY Private Methods in perl: Is Perl Flexible enough to be made Inflexible? merlyn 106
41 Coding while drunk Gordy 106
42 Re: Artificial Intelligence Programming in Perl frag 106
43 Automatic CS Paper Generator b10m 105
44 Solving Meta Sentences YuckFoo 105
45 On being a community merlyn 104
46 Re: One out of three ain't bad (order) tye 103
47 Re: Re: Possible first post syndrome remedy ignatz 102
48 Optimising processing for large data files. BrowserUk 101
49 findone { coderef } @array shotgunefx 101
50 Title Re: collapsing revisited Dog and Pony 100
As of Feb 18, 2025 at 14:19 UTC, Next refresh in 4 hours and 45 mins ±15 min
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