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Re: ^5: Confused about splitting program into multiple files.

by rchiav (Deacon)
on Feb 15, 2004 at 17:10 UTC ( [id://329137]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: Re: Confused about splitting program into multiple files.
in thread Confused about splitting program into multiple files.

No, I don't blame you for asking. And yes, we're all looking for a quicker, easier way to do things. But I think the one thing you're missing here is that Perl and the use of modules, by design, does not export functions and variables. You say this is a maintenance issue. Having all those functions in main:: is also a maintenance issue.

You mention that you work with C# and .NET. The recomendation there is to also use full namespaces when refrencing properties, methods and objects. As you'll notice, Visual Studio .NET generates full namespace paths. The difference is that .NET makes it easier to not do so.

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