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Debugging DBD::Chart

by fuzzyping (Chaplain)
on Feb 20, 2004 at 23:29 UTC ( [id://330699]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

fuzzyping has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi monks- I'm trying to debug a script I wrote which uses the DBD::Chart module for chart creation. Everything works great, but I get the following warning when it runs via cron:
Illegal division by zero at /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/DBD/Chart/ line 3626.
Obviously, this doesn't tell me much about what part of my code might be inserting the zero value. The funny thing is, if I run the script manually, I don't get that warning anymore. But I do get this when I enable warnings:
v-string in use/require non-portable at /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_ +perl/DBD/Chart/ line 97. v-string in use/require non-portable at /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_ +perl/DBD/ line 98.
Any ideas why I'm only seeing the divide-by-zero warning from cron? Both are run as root. Thanks in advance. Here's the code...
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Hatchet chart grapher (hatchart) # v 0.6.2, 2004.02.18 # Jason Dixon <> # # use strict; use DBI; use DBD::SQLite; use DBD::Chart; ################################################## # Configuration Section ################################################## my $db_file = "/var/db/pflog.db"; my $max_wedges = 5; my $graphs_dir = "/var/www/htdocs/hatchet/graphs"; my $width = 500; my $height = 400; ################################################## my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$db_file", "", "") || die $D +BI::errstr; my $date = get_date(); print_graph(get_top_sources(), $graphs_dir, 'hosts_all.png'); print_graph(get_top_services(), $graphs_dir, 'ports_all.png'); print_graph(get_top_sources($$date), $graphs_dir, 'hosts_today.png'); print_graph(get_top_services($$date), $graphs_dir, 'ports_today.png'); sub get_date { my $day; if ([split(/ /,localtime)]->[2] =~ /^[\d]{1}$/) { $day = '0' . [split(/ /,localtime)]->[2]; } else { $day = [split(/ /,localtime)]->[2]; } my $date = [split(/ /,localtime)]->[1] . ' ' . $day; return \$date; } sub get_top_services { my $date = shift || undef; my $select_query = "select dst_port from logs"; $select_query .= " where date like '%$date%'" if ($date); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($select_query); $sth->execute; my %events; my $total = 0; while (my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $events{$result->{'dst_port'}}{'count'}++; $total++; } my @sorted = sort { $events{$b}{'count'} <=> $events{$a}{'count'} } keys %events; my @top_entries; for (my $i=0; $i<$max_wedges; $i++) { my %hash = ($sorted[$i] => $events{$sorted[$i]}{'count +'}); push(@top_entries, \%hash); } push(@top_entries, { 'other' => $total }); return \@top_entries; } sub get_top_sources { my $date = shift || undef; my $select_query = "select src_host from logs"; $select_query .= " where date like '%$date%'" if ($date); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($select_query); $sth->execute; my %events; my $total = 0; while (my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $events{$result->{'src_host'}}{'count'}++; $total++; } my @sorted = sort { $events{$b}{'count'} <=> $events{$a}{'count'} } keys %events; my @top_entries; for (my $i=0; $i<$max_wedges; $i++) { my %hash = ($sorted[$i] => $events{$sorted[$i]}{'count +'}); push(@top_entries, \%hash); } push(@top_entries, { 'other' => $total }); return \@top_entries; } sub print_graph { my ($data, $dir, $filename) = @_; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Chart:') || die $DBI::errstr; my $create_query = "CREATE TABLE pie (source CHAR(15), count F +LOAT)"; $dbh->do($create_query); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO pie VALUES (?,?)"); foreach (@$data) { my ($key, $value) = each(%$_); $sth->execute($key, $value); } my $select_query = "SELECT PIECHART FROM pie WHERE WIDTH=? AND + HEIGHT=? AND COLOR IN ('lred', 'lgreen', 'blue', 'y +ellow', 'marine', 'purple', 'orange', 'lblue', 'pi +nk', 'cyan', 'lyellow') AND BACKGROUND='white' AND SIGNATURE='Hatchet v.0.6.2, Jason Dixo +n'"; my $rsth = $dbh->prepare($select_query); $rsth->execute($width, $height); my $result = $rsth->fetchrow_arrayref; open(BAR, ">$graphs_dir/$filename") || die "Can't open file fo +r writing: $!"; binmode BAR; print BAR $$result[0]; close(BAR); $dbh->do('DROP TABLE pie'); }

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Re: Debugging DBD::Chart
by tilly (Archbishop) on Feb 21, 2004 at 01:31 UTC
    Look at your installation of DBD::Chart::Plot, and skip to line 3626. That may give you some idea what is happening.

    A random guess might be that it is trying to figure out some parameter from an environment variable, and a different environment running from cron causes the division by 0 error. That would explain why you get a different result when running from cron. You can control for that by using RE (tilly) 3: Get default login environment to be sure that you get the same environment running from cron and by hand.

    Another idea might be to create an edited version of DBD::Chart that inserts a Carp::cluck right before the warning. Examine the messages emitted. The stack backtrace on the last one before you die tells you which call to print_graph gave a division by 0, which is at least somewhere to start.

    FWIW it looks like the warning caused by DBD::Graph is a red herring for your problem (though it should be reported to the author).

    UPDATE: Random style tips.

    I should point out that there is research indicating that a consistent indent in the 2-4 character range improves comprehension over larger indent.

    Also you used a C-style for-loop (for (my $i=0; $i<$max_wedges; $i++) { ... }). The most common coding error in C is an off-by-one error, and if you use them liberally in Perl, you will also have off-by-one errors. Being in the habit of using ranges will avoid those. Though admittedly in this case. for my $i (0..($max_wedges - 1)) { ... } involves more thought about the boundary condition than the C-style loop did.

    UPDATE 2: Cunningly hide the fact that I misread the error message by fixing which module I said to examine. Stupidly ruin the effect by confessing to everything.

      First, there is no line 3626. That's the first thing I looked for, and found that contains only 3253 lines. Figure that one out.

      As far as the red herring, I don't have any other problem. I'm simply trying to determine why I'm seeing these errors, and only via cron.

      Update: Damn, I read that module path wrong. I was checking instead of

        It looks like you figured out how can only have 3253 lines. :-) The misreading was mine originally. :-(

        And on the red herring, I guessed that. I'm just reassuring you that the warning just says that someone else in a different situation could have a problem. Which isn't the problem that you are having. So you can safely put it out of your mind while trying to debug this.

Re: Debugging DBD::Chart
by fizbin (Chaplain) on Feb 21, 2004 at 15:49 UTC
    tilly's addressed your main point, but I thought I should point out two things about get_top_sources:
    1. You're never subtracting from $total when you add stuff to your return value, meaning that the "other" slice is forever too big
    2. Including the "other" slice, you actually produce $max_wedges+1 wedges
    Here's what I might do, but I'm a bit odd. After you calculate @sorted...:
    my @sorted = sort { $events{$b}{'count'} <=> $events{$a}{'count'} } keys %events; if (@sorted > $max_wedges) { map { $events{'other'}{'count'} += $_ } @sorted[$max_wedges..$#sorted]; @sorted[$max_wedges..$#sorted] = ('other'); } return [map { {$_ => $events{$_}{'count'}}; } @sorted];
    Note that $total is now never used, so there's no longer any reason to be calculating it above.

    This uses map heavily, which is sometimes a bit odd to get used to, but I find it leads me to write stuff that I can look at later and easily read. YMMV.

      Seems to me like the datastructure is more complex than it needs to be, but if it gets the job done, cool. :) However, there is no need to use map in void context:
      if (@sorted > $max_wedges) { $events{other}{count} += $_ for @sorted[$max_wedges..$#sorted]; @sorted[$max_wedges..$#sorted] = ('other'); # loaded gun? }


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