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Re: Re^4: Perl myths ?

by corenth (Monk)
on Feb 27, 2004 at 15:05 UTC ( [id://332263]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Perl myths ?
in thread Perl myths ?

Don't be malicious seems the simplest answer :-)

Ahh :) the simple answer.

I guess it comes down to looking at the emotional response vs. the rational one. It's hard for people to do so before responding to criticism or making criticism. I think it's a failing that most people have.

was mentioned either on this thread or on one about perl stereotypes (i can't remember :P ) ... it's that kind of technical clarity that makes the discussion easier/more palatable.

Also remember that language choice isn't just one of "technical" merit. There are many, in a narrow sense of the word, non-technical issues in picking a language.

I agree heartily. If you don't like it, you won't learn it well and won't perform well. Same goes for availability and support.

I think that about covers it.



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