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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Do your homework (and read my whole node) and take good notes too!

Surely you realize you're not the first to ask this question

From my memory: Reading other people's modules and codes, What language should I learn? , Where Do I Go Next?, How to read CPAN documentation,Web Programming: For Beginners

From davidos memory: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

From the flip side: Teaching Perl:,, Learning Perl the Hard Way, Why I Am Not A Java Programmer, What Perl Programmers Should Know About Java, Are there any Java texts assuming the user has a perl BG?

From the search:

 [what best perl] what best perl -> roots only ?node_id=3989;HIT=what%20best%20perl;re=N

ick, antiques :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=what%20best%20learn;re=N -> what is the best way to learn to program?

remove stopword what :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=best%20learn;re=N

Found 17 nodes roughly between 2012-12-04 and 1999-10-04 (searched 100.00% of DB).

where title contains all of "best", "learn"

2010-07-21 morgon How to best learn SNMP (with Net::SNMP)? SoPW
2010-04-12 Tea Best ways of learning Perl! SoPW
2009-05-06 Swineflu Best age to start learning perl SoPW
2007-01-02 parkprimus The best way to learn is by doing. SoPW
2006-06-30 rose How best to learn OO Perl? SoPW
2003-07-15 Grygonos best way to learn use strict SoPW
2002-12-05 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2002-10-16 Root_007 The Best Way to learn Perl? SoPW
2001-12-18 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2001-12-11 NAstyed The best way to start learning Perl? SoPW
2001-08-10 dru145 Best Approach to Learn Perl for a Non Programmer Med
2001-08-08 tshabet Best way to learn about security? SoPW
2000-04-20 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2000-04-08 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2000-04-07 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2000-04-07 QandAEditors Answer: what is the best way to learn to program? CatA
2000-04-07 QandAEditors what is the best way to learn to program? CatQ

You can continue like that until you find all the best nodes relevant to your query

a different stopword :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=how%20learn;re=N

Found 38 nodes roughly between 2012-12-04 and 1999-10-04 (searched 100.00% of DB).

where title contains all of "how", "learn"

2012-03-21 xyzzy how i (re-)learned to stop worrying and love my life Poem
2011-02-27 aquaplanet beginner is learning How comes before I ask a question here, it is answered SoPW
2010-07-21 morgon How to best learn SNMP (with Net::SNMP)? SoPW
2010-04-16 blakew How I Learned About Quines Med
2009-11-13 Anonymous Monk How do you learn of and keep informed about useful CPAN modules? SoPW
2009-07-06 qianyu how can I learn well SoPW
2008-11-04 convenientstore trying to understand xml::twig and also trying to learn how to extract attribute SoPW
2008-08-27 elearningshow elearningshow's scratchpad SPad
2008-08-27 elearningshow elearningshow User
2008-08-05 Bloodnok Inheritable pragma ... or how I learnt perls' compilation order SoPW
2008-06-04 moritz OT How do I really learn javascript? SoPW
2008-04-22 marscld How to learn Object Oriented programming in Perl ? SoPW
2008-01-15 alf123 Learn how to program SoPW
2006-07-25 rlb3 How do I learn perl 6 SoPW
2006-06-30 rose How best to learn OO Perl? SoPW
2006-02-07 talexb Always be learning - how a leaky pipe made me appreciate Open Source Med
2005-11-03 neversaint Learning How to Use CVS for Personal Perl Coding Practices SoPW
2005-10-04 QandAEditors Answer: How do I learn Object Oriented Perl? CatA
2005-10-04 QandAEditors How do I learn Object Oriented Perl? CatQ
2005-10-04 ghenry How to learn Object Oriented Perl SoPW
2005-06-11 Anonymous Monk I'm about to Learn how to use CGI::Session SoPW
2005-03-30 Anonymous Monk how do I learn about Perl CGI programming? SoPW
2004-08-31 theroninwins How to learn Perl efficiently SoPW
2004-08-24 brian_d_foy How I learned Perl Med
2004-03-31 stvn Testaholics Anonymous (or how I learned to stop worrying and love Test::More) Med
2004-01-23 grinder Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: (or how I learnt to stop worrying and love @INC) Med
2003-10-07 kiat Learning how to use inheritance... SoPW
2003-08-15 woolfy Where and how to start learning Perl Med
2003-07-28 cleverett Learning how to use the Error module by example SoPW
2002-09-10 blssu Learning how to answer PMD
2002-07-20 Chady How bad it is to learn Perl? Med
2002-04-11 wageslave Trying to learn how to do thumbnails in perl SoPW
2002-04-02 ajt How To Learn Perl From Scratch SoPW
2001-08-03 pmas Learning how to program (for youngsters of any age) Med
2001-07-28 nysus How does learning C benefit a programmer? Med
2001-02-02 Yoda Trying to learn how to build a module SoPW
2001-01-31 hotyopa How I stopped worrying (and learned to love the downvote) Med
1999-10-07 faq_monk How do I learn about object-oriented Perl programming? perlfaq


In reply to Re: What is the best way to master perl (do your homework) by Anonymous Monk
in thread What is the best way to master perl by 5plit_func

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