Do your homework (and read my whole node) and take good notes too!
Surely you realize you're not the first to ask this question
From my memory: Reading other people's modules and codes, What language should I learn? , Where Do I Go Next?, How to read CPAN documentation,Web Programming: For Beginners
From davidos memory: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
From the flip side: Teaching Perl:,, Learning Perl the Hard Way, Why I Am Not A Java Programmer, What Perl Programmers Should Know About Java, Are there any Java texts assuming the user has a perl BG?
From the search:
[what best perl] what best perl -> roots only ?node_id=3989;HIT=what%20best%20perl;re=N
ick, antiques :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=what%20best%20learn;re=N -> what is the best way to learn to program?
remove stopword what :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=best%20learn;re=N
Found 17 nodes roughly between 2012-12-04 and 1999-10-04 (searched 100.00% of DB).
where title contains all of "best", "learn"
You can continue like that until you find all the best nodes relevant to your query
a different stopword :) ?node_id=3989;HIT=how%20learn;re=N
Found 38 nodes roughly between 2012-12-04 and 1999-10-04 (searched 100.00% of DB).
where title contains all of "how", "learn"
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