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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
A non-perl ( yes, I know ) possibility is Sun's SymbEL release 3 out on, which our webmaster runs on his Solaris boxen. He did this due to a custom bit of Java that leaks bad. He is quite taken with it, tho I admit to not playing w/ it. YMMV.
For point 2, that's a beauty idea, even if you only use it to give you a heads up of impending doom! I'd also, on the point one above, check the firewall and IDS logs to see if anything less-than-tasty is coming from outside. Lastlly, check out Sun's Sun Performance and Tuning Techniques doc ( you may have to register w/ ). The techniques are pretty light ( I run them from time to time on my heavily utilized firewalls - no perl - w/ negligable additional load ). As an aside, sysadmins who hang their hopes on patches and new releases exclusively w/o understanding what is *actually* wrong have, IME & IMHO, very short tenures in quality IT staffs. SysAdmins who can diagnose, provide evidence, and occasionally cruft a work-around, thrive - w/ little REM sleep, tho. UPDATE: My sysadmin comments were directed toward jlongino's web admin, and not at jlongino. jlongino++ for taking this on.
In reply to Re: Re: Re: HTTP Daemonology
by idnopheq