I added a couple of links to the bottom right-hand frame, to get to reputer and xNN (because everyone has them too, right?).
Change sub ctrl to something like this:
sub ctrl
{ # display links and $NORM
if(-e $normfile){ $norm = io('read',$normfile,$norm)} else {$norm = 'n
$norm = 'n/a' unless $norm =~ /\S/;
my $extra = '';
if( $url_xnn or $url_reputer ) {
$extra = '<li><nobr>';
$extra .= qq{<a href="$url_xnn" target="_blank">xNN</a>} if $url_x
$extra .= ' - ' if $url_xnn and $url_reputer;
$extra .= qq{<a href="$url_reputer" target="_blank">reputer</a>} i
+f $url_reputer;
$extra .= '</nobr></li>';
my$prnt = qq~<html> $bodytag
<table border="0" height="100%" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspaci
+ng="0" align="center">
<tr><td><font size="-1">$extra
And right up the top with the rest of the definitions, you want to add something like:
my $url_xnn = '/cgi-bin/nn.cgi'; # url to xNN script
my $url_reputer = '/cgi-bin/reputer.cgi'; # url to reputer script
and you're all set! You can leave one or the other blank and it will do The Right Thing.
--g r i n d e r
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