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Here is a simple timing code to replicate the issue.

I couldn't find any large tables in public websites but I found one in Wikipedia with 162 rows that illustrates the problem.
If you find one with 400+ you'll see it takes 3-4 seconds for obtaining the TDs of a TR.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say); no warnings qw(experimental); use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); use WWW::Mechanize::Chrome; use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); my $debug = 0; my ($t0, $elapsed); Log::Log4perl->easy_init($ERROR); my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new( headless => 0, autodie => 0, autoclose => 0 ); $mech->get(''); sleep(2); my @nodes = $mech->xpath('//table'); $t0 = [gettimeofday]; my @rows = $mech->xpath('.//tr', node => $nodes[3]); say 'xpath for TR tooK:'.tv_interval ( $t0 ); my @cell_keys = ( ); my @table_data = ( ); say "Timing for $#rows rows."; foreach my $row_index (0 .. $#rows) { my %row_data = ( ); # column names if($row_index == 0){ $t0 = [gettimeofday]; my @cells = $mech->xpath('.//th', node => $rows[$row_index]); say 'xpath for TH tooK:'.tv_interval ( $t0 ); foreach (0 ... $#cells) { say "HEADER CELL: $_, VALUE:".$cells[$_]->get_text() if $d +ebug; push @cell_keys, $cells[$_]->get_text(); } if($debug) { say 'Column Names:'; say $_ foreach @cell_keys; } } # data row else{ $t0 = [gettimeofday]; my @cells = $mech->xpath('.//td', node => $rows[$row_index]); say 'xpath for TD tooK:'.tv_interval ( $t0 ); say "DATA ROW: $row_index" if $debug; foreach (0 ... $#cells) { say "DATA CELL: $_, VALUE:" . $cells[$_]->get_text() if $d +ebug; $row_data{ $cell_keys[$_] } = $cells[$_]->get_text(); } push @table_data, \%row_data; if($debug) { say 'Column Data:'; say $row_data{$_} foreach @cell_keys; } } } say Dumper(@table_data) if $debug;

Here are the results:

xpath for TR tooK:0.14171 Timing for 162 rows. xpath for TH tooK:0.021609 xpath for TD tooK:0.878599 xpath for TD tooK:0.913126 xpath for TD tooK:0.9246 xpath for TD tooK:0.949696 xpath for TD tooK:0.97479 xpath for TD tooK:0.969646 xpath for TD tooK:0.980076 xpath for TD tooK:1.009137 xpath for TD tooK:1.001323 xpath for TD tooK:0.991992 xpath for TD tooK:1.023424 xpath for TD tooK:1.007205 xpath for TD tooK:1.015443 xpath for TD tooK:1.014373 xpath for TD tooK:1.022451 xpath for TD tooK:1.000317 xpath for TD tooK:1.009301 xpath for TD tooK:1.002823 xpath for TD tooK:1.018567 xpath for TD tooK:0.998177 xpath for TD tooK:1.003273 xpath for TD tooK:1.017177 xpath for TD tooK:1.00484 xpath for TD tooK:1.025769 xpath for TD tooK:1.019259 xpath for TD tooK:1.004221 xpath for TD tooK:0.978498 xpath for TD tooK:0.993305 xpath for TD tooK:0.981095 xpath for TD tooK:0.981023 xpath for TD tooK:1.007667 xpath for TD tooK:0.996014 xpath for TD tooK:0.989607 xpath for TD tooK:0.981084 xpath for TD tooK:0.998068 xpath for TD tooK:1.008075 xpath for TD tooK:0.995706 xpath for TD tooK:0.982913 xpath for TD tooK:0.994211 xpath for TD tooK:0.9854 xpath for TD tooK:0.986041 xpath for TD tooK:1.00003 xpath for TD tooK:1.000264 xpath for TD tooK:0.993049 xpath for TD tooK:0.990954 xpath for TD tooK:1.032756 xpath for TD tooK:1.009093 xpath for TD tooK:1.014658 xpath for TD tooK:1.017741 xpath for TD tooK:0.981517 xpath for TD tooK:1.055033 xpath for TD tooK:1.012932 xpath for TD tooK:1.00662 xpath for TD tooK:0.997766 xpath for TD tooK:0.976339 xpath for TD tooK:1.005549 xpath for TD tooK:0.994226 xpath for TD tooK:1.009729 xpath for TD tooK:1.016273 xpath for TD tooK:1.01258 xpath for TD tooK:0.991508 xpath for TD tooK:1.003135 xpath for TD tooK:0.996127 xpath for TD tooK:0.994465 xpath for TD tooK:0.984879 xpath for TD tooK:1.000486 xpath for TD tooK:1.013313 xpath for TD tooK:1.003019 xpath for TD tooK:1.010758 xpath for TD tooK:1.003538 xpath for TD tooK:1.005913 xpath for TD tooK:0.998934 xpath for TD tooK:1.002246 xpath for TD tooK:1.015106 xpath for TD tooK:1.030986 xpath for TD tooK:1.015739 xpath for TD tooK:1.007505 xpath for TD tooK:1.031035 xpath for TD tooK:1.022296 xpath for TD tooK:1.012498 xpath for TD tooK:1.012772 xpath for TD tooK:1.016398 xpath for TD tooK:0.998467 xpath for TD tooK:1.009135 xpath for TD tooK:1.023647 xpath for TD tooK:1.019091 xpath for TD tooK:1.011917 xpath for TD tooK:0.993233 xpath for TD tooK:1.00045 xpath for TD tooK:1.011704 xpath for TD tooK:0.999245 xpath for TD tooK:1.000345 xpath for TD tooK:1.002763 xpath for TD tooK:1.006262 xpath for TD tooK:1.003934 xpath for TD tooK:1.024795 xpath for TD tooK:1.017474 xpath for TD tooK:1.004507 xpath for TD tooK:0.986803 xpath for TD tooK:0.983318 xpath for TD tooK:0.97499 xpath for TD tooK:0.995466 xpath for TD tooK:0.974658 xpath for TD tooK:0.990834 xpath for TD tooK:1.006221 xpath for TD tooK:1.000403 xpath for TD tooK:0.975936 xpath for TD tooK:0.989006 xpath for TD tooK:1.001537 xpath for TD tooK:0.973566 xpath for TD tooK:0.990409 xpath for TD tooK:0.981671 xpath for TD tooK:0.997336 xpath for TD tooK:0.993645 xpath for TD tooK:0.996437 xpath for TD tooK:1.014808 xpath for TD tooK:0.999135 xpath for TD tooK:0.987786 xpath for TD tooK:1.012054 xpath for TD tooK:1.02549 xpath for TD tooK:1.010458 xpath for TD tooK:1.00814 xpath for TD tooK:1.015967 xpath for TD tooK:1.025007 xpath for TD tooK:1.013029 xpath for TD tooK:1.00664 xpath for TD tooK:0.997569 xpath for TD tooK:1.030964 xpath for TD tooK:0.996797 xpath for TD tooK:1.006234 xpath for TD tooK:0.982486 xpath for TD tooK:1.009541 xpath for TD tooK:0.990757 xpath for TD tooK:0.984965 xpath for TD tooK:0.993506 xpath for TD tooK:1.007426 xpath for TD tooK:0.997715 xpath for TD tooK:1.014092 xpath for TD tooK:0.980298 xpath for TD tooK:0.997222 xpath for TD tooK:0.982583 xpath for TD tooK:0.993896 xpath for TD tooK:1.000831 xpath for TD tooK:1.041912 xpath for TD tooK:1.012431 xpath for TD tooK:1.026563 xpath for TD tooK:1.046388 xpath for TD tooK:1.02357 xpath for TD tooK:0.990898 xpath for TD tooK:1.023132 xpath for TD tooK:0.998428 xpath for TD tooK:1.014679 xpath for TD tooK:1.00892 xpath for TD tooK:1.024412 xpath for TD tooK:1.008872 xpath for TD tooK:1.026012 xpath for TD tooK:1.024926 xpath for TD tooK:1.017763 xpath for TD tooK:0.995255 xpath for TD tooK:1.02212 xpath for TD tooK:1.017319 xpath for TD tooK:1.00299

In reply to Re^2: WWW::Mechanize::Chrome VERY slow on xpath obtaining TDs of a TR by ait
in thread WWW::Mechanize::Chrome VERY slow on xpath obtaining TDs of a TR by ait

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