It all depends on how you wrote mod_perl code. See Re: How does Dancer handle forms? How do other such frameworks do it?
Basically if you followed CGI to mod_perl Porting. mod_perl Coding guidelines switching to plack is as trivial as Re^3: Serving Static Content using Plack, especially if you used relative paths or a url_for alike path resolver instead of hardcoding "/foo.cgi" or some such in your templates
if you wrote all kind of "trans" and other handlers, well, you're stuck with apache/mod_perl because thats why you chose it, for that level of tight coupling
Also, sundialsvc4 is a troll , all his postings are self-promotional vague doubletalk nonsense boasting spam, you should ignore him, some recent reasons why:
Remove whitespace between lines
constant spammer sundialsvc4 is Mike Robinson always ignoring complaints
Re^2: RAM: It isn't free . . . (Mike "sundialsvc4" Robinson spams himself)
Re: RAM: It isn't free . . . (No, but its damn cheap!)
Re^2: RAM: It isn't free . . .(Mike Robinson:criminally inept.)
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