XP is just a number | |
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[Note: Between you posting your response (to which I'm replying) and me posting this reply, I changed the "5.18" option. Details in the Updates: list of the "original idea".] I picked a range of versions from almost the earliest to almost the latest. I guessed at what might be chosen such that the poll histogram gave a meaningful result. As I see it, the main point of the poll idea is to tailor the choices based on feedback, prior to the actual poll being published. I ended up with eight versions which I believe gives suitable coverage. I didn't think listing every base version (i.e. either 5.00[0-5] or 5.x.0 where x >= 6) would have been a good move, or even allowed by the pollsters; similarly, listing only a few versions would not have given a meaningful histogram result. The short, parenthesised comment after each version is, as I stated, a "potential reason" for making that choice. It's not intended as the main reason, nor does it need to factor into a user's decision at all. I'm more than happy to make changes (additions or deletions) to the list of options. This could be the result of a strong argument or a consensus of opinion. I'm unlikely to add a version because it introduces an experimental feature; I'd need a better reason.
I agree with ++hippo's comments regarding your last two dot points. — Ken In reply to Re^5: poll ideas quest 2023 [Reasonable 'use VERSION' for new CPAN modules]
by kcott