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I somewhat have to agree. At least to some extend PerlMonks will shrink in Posts/timespan, just because we a) have SuperSearch and b) Google does a nice job of indexing the site and c) Perl 5 is very backwards compatible and there are only so many ways on how to foreach over an array.

What i really think is missing somewhat (and that may also be reflected in the amount of users using this site) is that PerlMonks doesn't seem to have many modern features - or they are well hidden. You know, things like embedding a screenshot (rather useful when talking about a GD problem) or Youtube videos. Having a standard way of linking our Youtube, Twitch, whatever profiles in our PerlMonks profiles.

Maybe we could even think about searching for a streaming service that's happy to let us stream coding sessions (Twitch is not happy about non-gaming content) and some video-chats with multiple Monks answering live questions from users or even just discussion some Perl related stuff amongst themself.

Also, a Javascript Plugin for posting (you know, without having to write HTML by hand) would probably make posting here a bit less pain in the seating arrangment.

On a side note: It would be interesting to also see statistics on searches and directly accessed pages refered from external sites like Google.

"For me, programming in Perl is like my cooking. The result may not always taste nice, but it's quick, painless and it get's food on the table."

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