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Hi, Perlbrew is the *only* way to go! First, do *not* use the system Perl on MacOS. As Corion says, that is for Apple, not for you. Second, installing with homebrew is all well and good, but what about when you want to test with a different Perl? This is not just a theoretical. I frequently switch Perls, sometimes between versions to test back compatibility, but also because I keep different library collections within the same version. E.g., I have a Perl installation that only ever has the same libraries installed from the same PINTO as our production servers do, but I spend most of my time developing with another Perl installation (of the same version) where I install modules freely, to experiment, run some debug stuff, or whatever. I've been developing on a Mac for a long time now, as do all my coworkers for the last several years. All use Perlbrew. Hope this helps!
The way forward always starts with a minimal test.
In reply to Re: MAC Perl EXTERN.H Make Issues
by 1nickt