As a Perl coder, and a Dreamweaver/vim double-teamer, I must correct your assertion. The primary reason I use Dreamweaver is that it doesn't add crap to your HTML; the "RoundTrip HTML" bits in the ads for the product aren't just marketing hype. It _will_ do some farily legit clean-up, upper-casing tags and the like, but it won't plug in stupid tags, or cram just one more javascript function, unless you tell it to. And you can, from one option screen, turn off everything, leaving your code 100% pristine. This is nigh-impossible in FrontPage, from what I hear (I won't go near THAT app with a 50-foot pole.)
It even offers an option like the HTML Tidy program to clean up Word and FrontPage HTML. For those wanting rapid dev on the HTML side, concentrating on writing Perl code, Dreamweaver works very well.
----Asim, known to some as Woodrow.
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