Super module number 1!
the hell it don't count!
Ok ok, here are some more:
And the plug (and it really is a fav of mine):
update - i ran a script that scanned all .pl and .cgi files to see which modules i use the most (using Perl to make
up my mind ;)). So, using Juerd's rules this time:
- Data::Dumper (102)
- CGI (81)
- DBI (52)
- IO::File (31)
- Getopt::Std (24)
- CGI::Carp (24)
- LWP::Simple (22)
- HTTP::Request::Common (20)
- LWP (17)
- SOAP::Lite (15)
Per demerphq's request - here it is. If anybody feels
like making an
improvement or two, then ++'s for you. I do know that this
code trudges through perldoc as well as code ... that
needs to be fixed.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Find;
@ARGV = ();
my %mod = ();
# does this look familiar merlyn? :)
find sub {
push @ARGV, $File::Find::name if /\.pl\z/ or /\.cgi\z/;
}, qw(/dirs /to/scan/here);
while (<>) {
$mod{$1}++ if /use\s+([A-Za-z_:]+);/;
# top 20 so i can filter out those that don't count :P
print "Top Twenty:\n";
print map {"<li>[kobe://$_] ($mod{$_})\n"} (sort {$mod{$b} <=> $mod{$a
+}} keys %mod)[0..19];
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