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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Data::Dumper - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval. Written by Gurusamy Sarathy.
tilly pointed me to this Fine Module a while back. It's served me faithfully since then, as an excellent debugging tool when my perl isn't perling. Data::Dumper is included in standard Perl distributions, so there are no excuses for *not* using it {grin} geektron reviewed Data::Dumper right here. Other modules I frequent:
Update: For fresh perlers not familiar with installation and use of modules*, perusing the old sub-thread starting at "My Favorite Module: CPAN" might be beneficial. But remember to upgrade manually *before* actually using it to install other modules. Nevermind that I'm a Luddite, preferring to install all my modules manually. Heh. Update 2: davorg provides excellent instructions for getting your feet wet with Perl modules at "Re: difficulty using". cheers,Don striving toward Perl Adept (it's pronounced "why-bick") * Old-timers here at the Monastery will recall when this was me {grin} In reply to Re: Favourite modules (Data::Dumper, two old sub-threads on and modules)
by ybiC