This is a simple test to see the status of WIN32 services.
On Windows NT4. I have to give barndoor credit for the
WIN32::Service reference because today is the first time I
saw it. After playing with it, I figured I would try to
get all services and their status. One problem: Some
services don't seem to return a CurrentState value. I
decided to ignore these and only stick with the set that
barndoor has provided.
use Win32::Service;
#set up a hash of known service states
my %statcodeHash = (
'1' => 'stopped.',
'2' => 'start pending.',
'3' => 'stop pending.',
'4' => 'running.',
'5' => 'continue pending.',
'6' => 'pause pending.',
'7' => 'paused.'
my %serviceHash;
#go get 'em...
Win32::Service::GetServices("", \%serviceHash);
foreach $key(keys %serviceHash){
my %statusHash;
Win32::Service::GetStatus("", "$key", \%statusHash);
if ($statusHash{"CurrentState"} =~ /[1-7]/){
print $serviceHash{"$key"} . " is currently " . $statcodeHas
+h{$statusHash{"CurrentState"}} . "\n";
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