I just used a similar trick for a module I am going to release (hopefully) soon. To test it extensively I need a directory server handy, and a subtree in it to try a bunch of operations on it. Obviously I can't assume that the condition applies on every possible site the module will be installed in, so I put this code on the script headers:
use Test::More tests => 18 ; #18
my $fulltest = 18 ;
my $shorttest = 2 ;
use_ok('Net::LDAP::Simple') ;
use_ok('Net::LDAP::Entry') ;
skip "doing local tests only",$fulltest-$shorttest
unless $ENV{TEST_HOST} ;
my $server = $ENV{TEST_HOST} || 'localhost' ;
my $port = $ENV{TEST_PORT} || 389 ;
my $base = $ENV{TEST_BASE} || 'ou=simple,o=test' ;
my $binddn = $ENV{TEST_BINDDN} || 'cn=admin,o=test' ;
my $bindpw = $ENV{TEST_BINDPW} || 'secret' ;
So, to run all the tests one should run them at least with something like TEST_HOST='server.ldap.my' make test
Ciao! --bronto
The very nature of Perl to be like natural language--inconsistant and full of dwim and special cases--makes it impossible to know it all without simply memorizing the documentation (which is not complete or totally correct anyway).
--John M. Dlugosz
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