What would've been useful is a runnable snippet, something like
use SOAP::Lite;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sd = new SOAP::Deserializer();
my $xml = do { local $_=<<'__THE__SOAP__';s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//;$_ };
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMoviesResponse xmlns="http://www.dtmovies.com/websvcs/">
<Movies xmlns="">
<Movie Title="10 Things I Hate About You" FilmID="474" />
<Movie Title="102 Dalmatians" FilmID="912" />
<Movie Title="13 Going on 30" FilmID="1496" />
<Movie Title="15 Minutes" FilmID="966" />
my $som = $sd->deserialize($xml);
use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper( $sp, $parsed ),$/;
#warn Dumper( $som ),$/;
warn "$_ => ", Dumper( $som->$_() ),$/ for qw[ paramsall result ];
# root envelope header headers body fault method result paramsin para
+msout ];
paramsall => $VAR1 = {
'Movies' => {
'Movie' => ''
result => $VAR1 = {
'Movies' => {
'Movie' => ''
It looks to me like a bug in SOAP::Lite, in particular in its XPATH implementation (sub SOAP::SOM::valueof ...).
If paramsall => '/Envelope/Body/[1]/[>0]', is correct, SOAP::Lite doesn't do the right thing.
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