go ahead... be a heretic | |
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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Not at all! DBI is a great package and DBD::Sybase works well. It's safe to say we wouldn't have been able to get this far without DBD::Sybase. Also, I know that the connect/disconnect leak is a bugger. I tried to find it myself. I'm pretty sure that it is in on the sybase api side. But Sybase isn't interested in fixing it -- probably because they are fighting to stay in business. I'm just trying to point out some of the pitfalls of running Perl for a long time. Test packages you intend to use over a long time and benchmark Memory consumption. "Look, Shiny Things!" is not a better business strategy than compatibility and reuse. OSUnderdog In reply to Re^2: How we use Perl.
by osunderdog