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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

If anybody cares here is a Level/user count and XP/user count breakdown following zombification. Exp in this case is CEIL(XP/10)*10.

Initiate 11518 Novice 3456 Acolyte 1218 Sexton 643 Beadle 547 Scribe 547 Monk 337 Pilgrim 387 Friar 276 Hermit 194 Chaplain 162 Deacon 90 Curate 165 Priest 90 Vicar 53 Parson 40 Prior 30 Monsignor 18 Abbot 12 Canon 8 Chancellor 5 Bishop 5 Archbishop 3
exp count(user_id) -1002950 1 -11470 1 -440 1 -290 1 -230 1 -170 1 -160 1 -100 1 -70 1 -50 2 -40 5 -30 4 -20 5 -10 18 0 3957 10 7518 20 2081 30 816 40 559 50 395 60 311 70 283 80 229 90 136 100 129 110 98 120 98 130 99 140 83 150 78 160 62 170 68 180 52 190 51 200 40 210 52 220 41 230 46 240 57 250 50 260 41 270 40 280 49 290 43 300 38 310 34 320 37 330 26 340 36 350 37 360 30 370 27 380 27 390 32 400 23 410 21 420 26 430 20 440 18 450 14 460 18 470 13 480 12 490 8 500 12 510 14 520 11 530 14 540 29 550 18 560 17 570 16 580 19 590 14 600 18 610 24 620 21 630 13 640 14 650 11 660 13 670 15 680 12 690 22 700 10 710 9 720 10 730 12 740 15 750 15 760 16 770 12 780 10 790 14 800 10 810 20 820 10 830 14 840 5 850 12 860 11 870 5 880 7 890 7 900 8 910 7 920 7 930 7 940 4 950 7 960 10 970 8 980 5 990 4 1000 6 1010 9 1020 7 1030 8 1040 10 1050 3 1060 6 1070 10 1080 5 1090 10 1100 7 1110 5 1120 6 1130 4 1140 8 1150 10 1160 11 1170 7 1180 10 1190 5 1200 7 1210 5 1220 9 1230 4 1240 8 1250 5 1260 6 1270 9 1280 6 1290 3 1300 9 1310 3 1320 4 1330 5 1340 6 1350 6 1360 8 1370 4 1380 8 1390 1 1400 4 1410 5 1420 1 1430 9 1440 7 1450 5 1460 4 1470 8 1480 7 1490 5 1500 5 1510 4 1520 4 1530 2 1540 1 1550 1 1560 5 1570 1 1590 2 1600 3 1610 3 1620 5 1630 4 1640 2 1650 3 1660 4 1670 1 1680 2 1690 4 1700 1 1720 2 1730 5 1740 3 1750 3 1760 2 1770 5 1780 5 1790 3 1800 5 1810 4 1820 2 1830 3 1840 4 1850 5 1860 3 1870 3 1880 3 1890 5 1900 3 1910 4 1920 2 1930 6 1940 6 1950 3 1960 5 1970 3 1980 6 1990 4 2000 1 2010 6 2020 2 2030 4 2040 4 2050 3 2060 3 2070 1 2080 3 2090 3 2100 4 2110 1 2120 2 2130 3 2140 3 2150 4 2160 3 2170 1 2180 2 2190 1 2200 4 2210 1 2220 1 2230 1 2240 2 2250 1 2260 2 2270 2 2280 2 2300 1 2310 2 2320 1 2330 1 2350 3 2360 2 2380 1 2390 2 2400 2 2410 2 2420 4 2430 3 2440 1 2450 1 2460 5 2490 1 2500 3 2510 2 2520 2 2530 2 2540 3 2550 5 2560 1 2570 2 2580 2 2590 1 2600 1 2610 1 2620 4 2630 2 2640 1 2650 1 2660 3 2670 3 2690 1 2700 2 2720 1 2730 3 2750 2 2760 2 2770 3 2780 1 2790 1 2810 2 2850 1 2860 3 2880 2 2890 2 2940 1 2960 2 2970 1 2980 1 2990 1 3000 1 3010 1 3020 3 3030 4 3040 2 3050 2 3060 1 3070 2 3080 2 3090 1 3100 2 3120 5 3130 4 3140 4 3150 2 3160 1 3170 4 3180 1 3190 2 3200 4 3210 1 3220 1 3230 2 3240 2 3260 3 3270 2 3280 2 3290 3 3300 1 3310 2 3320 2 3330 3 3340 2 3350 4 3360 2 3370 1 3380 1 3390 5 3410 1 3450 3 3460 3 3470 2 3480 2 3490 2 3500 1 3510 1 3520 3 3530 3 3540 1 3560 1 3570 1 3580 3 3590 1 3600 2 3610 3 3630 1 3650 2 3660 3 3670 2 3680 3 3690 1 3720 4 3760 3 3780 2 3790 1 3810 1 3840 3 3860 2 3870 1 3890 1 3900 1 3910 1 3920 3 3950 3 3960 3 3970 1 3980 1 3990 2 4010 2 4040 1 4050 1 4070 1 4100 2 4120 1 4200 1 4220 1 4230 1 4240 1 4250 1 4260 1 4270 1 4280 2 4290 1 4320 1 4330 1 4340 1 4360 1 4380 1 4400 2 4450 1 4460 1 4480 1 4490 2 4500 2 4520 5 4530 1 4540 1 4580 2 4600 1 4610 4 4650 1 4660 1 4670 1 4700 2 4760 1 4780 2 4790 1 4810 1 4820 1 4830 2 4850 2 4890 2 4910 1 4930 2 4940 1 4960 1 4980 1 5050 1 5060 2 5070 1 5080 1 5090 1 5100 1 5110 1 5120 3 5140 1 5200 1 5260 1 5290 1 5300 1 5320 3 5340 1 5390 1 5410 1 5420 1 5430 2 5440 2 5470 1 5480 3 5520 2 5530 1 5540 2 5570 1 5610 1 5640 1 5700 1 5720 2 5770 2 5800 1 5990 1 6020 1 6040 1 6110 1 6130 2 6140 2 6170 1 6240 1 6280 2 6310 1 6440 1 6470 1 6520 1 6540 1 6590 1 6620 1 6640 2 6680 1 6750 1 6760 1 6790 1 6870 1 6900 1 6920 1 6990 1 7000 1 7030 1 7060 1 7130 1 7240 1 7270 1 7290 1 7340 1 7410 1 7480 1 7490 2 7500 1 7540 1 7570 1 7620 1 7710 2 7720 1 7940 1 8010 1 8050 1 8080 1 8110 1 8130 1 8210 1 8220 1 8350 1 8370 1 8450 1 8470 1 8490 1 8500 1 8510 1 8540 1 8590 1 8670 1 8730 1 8780 1 8850 1 9020 1 9050 1 9210 1 9320 1 9550 1 9620 1 9640 1 9770 1 10070 2 10120 1 10210 1 10460 1 10480 1 10620 1 10680 1 11100 1 11110 1 11200 1 11260 1 11310 2 11390 1 11430 1 11450 1 11520 1 11590 1 11900 1 11960 1 11990 1 12260 1 12300 1 12520 1 12550 1 12610 1 13150 1 13240 1 13350 1 13360 1 13650 1 13770 1 14760 1 14850 1 15400 1 15590 1 15640 1 15890 1 15970 1 16500 1 16630 1 18180 1 18550 1 18610 1 18830 2 19010 1 19490 1 19790 1 20560 1 21810 1 22940 1 23060 1 24070 1 24290 1 25370 1 26570 1 26610 1 28590 1 31250 1 31790 1 34310 1 34700 1 37470 1 40100 1 42210 1 45270 1 45550 1 46500 1 50200 1 51260 1 58550 1 1007010 1

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