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#!/usr/bin/perl -w, v.1.0 #Created by John T. Wodder II #Last edited: 21 Sept 2006 by John Wodder #This script will create a synopsis of a Latin verb & output it as a L +aTeX #document. use strict; use Switch; my($tmp, $base, $vowel, $vowel2, $stemTwo, $stemThree, $conj, $trans, +$first, $subj, $extPerson, $person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $s +um, $adj); my %short = ('\\=o', 1, 'm', 1, 's', 0, 't', 1, 'mus', 0, 'tis', 0, 'n +t', 1, 'r', 1, 'ris/re', 0, 'tur', 0, 'mur', 0, 'min\\=\\i', 0, 'ntur +', 1, 'or', 1, 'te', 0); my $word = qr/[[:alpha:]\\={}]+/; my $long = qr/\\=\{?\\?([aeio])\{?\}?/i; my $lineTerm = " \\\\\n"; sub append { my($pre, $post, $opt) = @_; # Bits guide for $opt: # 1 - Use 'm' instead of '\=o' # 2 - Use -i\=o & -iunt endings (Use is determined at runtime) # 4 - Use -int instead of -unt (only applies to fut. perf. act. indic +.) $opt = 0 unless defined $opt; $post = 'm' if $post eq '\\=o' && ($opt & 1); if ($pre =~ /$long$/o) { $pre =~ s/$long$/$1/o if $short{$post}; $pre =~ s/i$/iu/io if $post =~ /^nt/o && ($opt & 2); $pre =~ s/a$//io if $post =~ /^(\\=)?o/o; } else { $pre =~ s/e$/i/io; if ($post =~ /^nt/) { if ($opt & 2) { $pre =~ s/i$/iu/o; } elsif (!($opt & 4)) { # 4 applies to the fut. perf. act. indic. $pre =~ s/i$/u/o; } } elsif ($post =~ /^(\\=)?o/o && !($opt & 2)) { $pre =~ s/i$//o; } elsif ($post eq 'ris/re') { $pre =~ s/i$/e/io; } } print $pre, $post; } print "Enter the four principal parts of the verb you wish to conjugat +e,\nseparated by spaces, with macrons denoted LaTeX-style:\nEnter `qu +it' to exit.\n> "; VERB: while (<STDIN>) { if (/^(($word)([ie]?)\\=o),?\s+\2(e|$long)re,?\s+($word)\\=\{?\\i\{?\ +}?,?\s+($word)us$/io) { # (\\=ur|\\=\{u\}r)? ($first, $base, $vowel, $stemTwo, $stemThree) = ($1, $2, $4, $6, $7) +; $trans = $7 !~ /(\\=ur|\\=\{u\}r)$/i; $stemThree =~ s/(\\=ur|\\=\{u\}r)$//i unless $trans; switch ($vowel) { case m/^\\=\{?a\}?$/i {$conj = 1; $subj = '\\=e'; $vowel2 = '\\=a'; + } case m/^\\=\{?e\}?$/i {$conj = 2; $subj = 'e\\=a'; $vowel2 = '\\=e' +; } case m/^e$/i {($conj, $subj, $vowel2) = $3 ? (4, 'i\\=a', 'i\\=e') +: (3, '\\=a', '\\=e'); } case m/^\\=\{?\\i\{?\}?$/i {$conj = 5; $subj = 'i\\=a'; $vowel2 = ' +i\\=e'; } else {die("An error has occurred in parsing the stem vowel.\n"); } } last VERB; } elsif (/^($word)\\=\{?o\}?$/io) { my $a = $1; print 'Is the verb a standard first-conjugation verb? (y/n): '; $tmp = <STDIN>; if ($tmp =~ /^y/i) { ($base, $conj, $vowel, $subj, $trans, $stemTwo, $stemThree, $first, + $vowel2) = ($a, 1, '\\=a', '\\=e', 1, $a.'\\=av', $a.'\\=at', $a.'\\ +=o', '\\=a'); last VERB; } else {print "Enter the four principal parts.\n"; } } elsif (/^q(uit)?$/io) {exit; } elsif ($_ eq "`quit'\n") {print "I didn't mean that literally.\n"; } else {print "Quid?\n"; } print '> '; } print "In what person & number do you wish to conjugate this verb?\n> +"; PERSON: while(defined($extPerson = <STDIN>)) { switch ($extPerson) { case /^(1(st)?|first)(\s*person)?,?\s*s(ing(\.|ular)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (0, '\\=o', +'r', '\\=\\i', 'sum', 'us/a/um'); last PERSON; } case /^(2(nd)?|second)(\s*person)?,?\s*s(ing(\.|ular)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (1, 's', 'ri +s/re', 'ist\\=\\i', 'es', 'us/a/um'); last PERSON; } case /^(3(rd)?|third)(\s*person)?,?\s*s(ing(\.|ular)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (2, 't', 'tu +r', 'it', 'est', 'us/a/um'); last PERSON; } case /^(1(st)?|first)(\s*person)?,?\s*p(l(\.|ur(\.|al)?)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (3, 'mus', ' +mur', 'imus', 'sumus', '\\=\\i/ae/a'); last PERSON; } case /^(2(nd)?|second)(\s*person)?,?\s*p(l(\.|ur(\.|al)?)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (4, 'tis', ' +min\\=\\i', 'istis', 'estis', '\\=\\i/ae/a'); last PERSON; } case /^(3(rd)?|third)(\s*person)?,?\s*p(l(\.|ur(\.|al)?)?)?$/io { ($person, $personal, $passive, $perfect, $sum, $adj) = (5, 'nt', 'n +tur', '\\=erunt', 'sunt', '\\=\\i/ae/a'); last PERSON; } case /^q(uit)?$/io {exit; } else {print "Quid?\n"; } } print '> '; } my $file = $first; $file =~ s/[\\={}]//g; open(FILE, '>', "$file.tex"); select FILE; print "\\documentclass{article}\\begin{document}\\title{Synopsis of \\ +emph{$first}, $extPerson}\\author{\\texttt{}, v.1.0}\\mak +etitle\n\\begin{center}\\begin{tabular}{l ", ($trans ? "c c}\n & \\te +xtbf{Active} & \\textbf{Passive} \\\\ \\hline\n\\multicolumn{3" : "c} +\n\\multicolumn{2"), "}{c}{\\textbf{Indicative Mood}} \\\\ \\hline\n" +; print 'Present & ', $base; append($vowel, $personal, ($conj>3) ? 2 : 0); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base; append($vowel, ($person==0) ? 'or' : $passive, ($conj>3) ? 2 : 0); } print $lineTerm, 'Imperfect & ', $base, $vowel2; append('b\\=a', $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base, $vowel2; append('b\\=a', $passive); } print $lineTerm, 'Future & ', $base; if ($conj < 3) { print $vowel; append('bi', $personal); } else { append(($person==0) ? $subj : $vowel2, $personal, 1); } if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base; if ($conj < 3) { print $vowel; append('bi', ($person==0) ? 'or' : $passive); } else { append(($person==0) ? $subj : $vowel2, $passive); } } print $lineTerm, 'Perfect & ', $stemTwo, $perfect; print ' & ', $stemThree, $adj, ' ', $sum if $trans; print $lineTerm, 'Pluperfect & ', $stemTwo; append('er\\=a', $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $stemThree, $adj, ' '; append('er\\=a', $personal, 1); } print $lineTerm, 'Future Perfect & ', $stemTwo; append('eri', $personal, 4); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $stemThree, $adj, ' '; append('eri', $personal); } print $lineTerm, '\\multicolumn{', $trans+2, "}{c}{\\textbf{Subjunctiv +e Mood}} \\\\ \\hline\n Present & ", $base; append($subj, $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base; append($subj, $passive); } print $lineTerm, 'Imperfect & ', $base, $vowel; append('r\\=e', $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base, $vowel; append('r\\=e', $passive); } print $lineTerm, 'Perfect & ', $stemTwo; append('er\\=\\i{}', $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $stemThree, $adj, ' '; append('s\\=\\i{}', $personal, 1); } print $lineTerm, 'Pluperfect & ', $stemTwo; append('iss\\=e', $personal, 1); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $stemThree, $adj, ' '; append('ess\\=e', $personal, 1); } print $lineTerm, '\\multicolumn{', $trans+2, "}{c}{\\textbf{Infinitive +s}} \\\\ \\hline\n Present & ", $base, $vowel, 're'; print ' & ', $base, ($conj != 3 && $conj != 4) ? ($vowel, 'r\\=\\i') : + '\\=\\i' if $trans; print $lineTerm, 'Perfect & ', $stemTwo, 'isse'; print ' & ', $stemThree, 'us/a/um esse' if $trans; print $lineTerm, 'Future & ', $stemThree, '\\=urus/a/um esse'; print ' & ---' if $trans; print $lineTerm, '\\multicolumn{', $trans+2, "}{c}{\\textbf{Participle +s}} \\\\ \\hline\n Present & ", $base, $vowel2, 'ns, -'; $vowel2 =~ s/\\=//; print $vowel2, 'ntis'; print ' & ---' if $trans; print $lineTerm, 'Perfect & ---'; print ' & ', $stemThree, 'us/a/um' if $trans; print $lineTerm, 'Future & ', $stemThree, '\\=urus/a/um'; print ' & ', $base, $vowel2, 'ndus/a/um' if $trans; print $lineTerm, '\\multicolumn{', $trans+2, "}{c}{\\textbf{Imperative +s}} \\\\ \\hline\n & ", $base, $vowel, ', ', $base; append($vowel, 'te'); if ($trans) { print ' & ', $base, $vowel, 're, ', $base; append($vowel, 'min\\=\\i'); } if ($trans) { print <<EOT; $lineTerm & \\textbf{Gerunds} & \\textbf{Supines} \\\\ \\hline Genitive & $base${vowel2}nd\\=\\i & --- \\\\ Dative & $base${vowel2}nd\\=o & --- \\\\ Accusative & $base${vowel2}ndum & ${stemThree}um \\\\ Ablative & $base${vowel2}nd\\=o & ${stemThree}\\=u \\\\ EOT } else { print <<EOT; $lineTerm \\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\textbf{Gerunds}} \\\\ \\hline Genitive & $base${vowel2}nd\\=\\i \\\\ Dative & $base${vowel2}nd\\=o \\\\ Accusative & $base${vowel2}ndum \\\\ Ablative & $base${vowel2}nd\\=o \\\\ \\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\textbf{Supines}} \\\\ \\hline Accusative & ${stemThree}um \\\\ Ablative & ${stemThree}\\=u \\\\ EOT } print '\\end{tabular}\\end{center}\\end{document}'; close; select STDOUT; print "Done!\nThe synopsis has been saved to $file.tex.\nWould you lik +e to typeset it now? (y/n): "; $tmp = lc getc; if ($tmp eq 'y') { system("pdflatex $file.tex"); # NOT pdfetex system("open $file.pdf") unless $?; }

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