First, big ++ to epoptai for this really nice CB client with tons of functionnalities. Hey! it even links to Babelfish!
Though this is a realy cool piece of code, I wanted to add
a nifty progress bar (like the one in the Tk Client), so
here it is (you may want to change the colors to git your favorite theme)
Line 290:
my$nxtlvl = ($xpinfo->{'level'}+1); # line 290
my@levelXP = qw(0 0 20 50 100 200 500 1000 1600 2300 3000);
my $percentXP = int(( ($xpinfo->{'xp'} - $levelXP[$xpinfo->{'level'}])
+ / ($xpinfo->{'xp'}-$levelXP[$xpinfo->{'level'}]+$xpinfo->{'xp2nextle
+vel'})) * 100) ;
my @XPcolors = qw(4A2625 71131C 9A0213 BD0606 FF0000 9E3B00 1D8700 41A
+F00 12E800 00FF00);
my $rest = abs(100-$percentXP);
Line 297
<table border="0" height="100%" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspaci
+ng="0" align="center"> # Line 297
<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
+><tr><td bgcolor="#$XPcolors[int($percentXP/10)-1]" width="$percentXP
+%"> </td><td width="$rest%"bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> </td></tr></t
Update: Added coloration according to the user's progress (gradient from red to green)
Cheers, OeufMayo
my $ OeufMayo = new PerlMonger::Paris({http => ''});</kbd>
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